Welcome to the Connected Life. It is an awesome thought to realize that the God of the universe is calling us into a personal intimate relationship with Himself. To live out His calling and purpose, we need to hear from Him, and adjust our lives to His agenda.

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The Connected Journey
This journey will take you deeper in your walk with God and expand your ministry and influence for God. You will re-discover the power and joy of fellowship with God and with one another. You will experience the pleasure of helping other believers experience a closer walk with our Lord as you befriend, disciple or mentor them and as they grow and become more mature in their faith. You will experience the igniting of quiet and lasting transformation in the lives of ordinary people, like you and me. I sincerely hope that this will become true in your life. Are you ready to Re-Connect with God’s Purpose and experience God working in and through your life? Then join us as we learn how to:
- Be with Him
- Learn from Him
- And be a witness for Him.

The Call To Be With Him
Jesus taught that we must always seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). When He was asked which is the greatest commandment of all, He replied in no uncertain terms, ‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” ‘This is the first and great commandment’ (Matthew 22:37-38). God loves us! He wants to be with us, now and for all eternity. He wants to share all He has with us! He is calling ordinary people like us. In order to get to know Jesus more intimately, we need some unhurried time in His presence to understand His heart and agenda. The more ‘fellowship’ we have with God the more intimate our relationship will be.

The Call to learn from Him
Jesus Christ calls men to learn from Him. As we apply to our lives what we have learned, we experience the joy of continuously being conformed to His image. Jesus assures us that we will not only grow into His character but also participate in His continuing ministry. It is impossible to follow Jesus without becoming involved in what He is doing. We are invited to impact people and our known world. We are invited to discipleship.

The Call To Go
“For this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow His steps.” – 1 Pet. 2: 21. Every believer is needed in this great work. Everyone has a part to play. So whether we are going, teaching, preaching or baptizing, the objective is to make Christian disciples. Being in Christ becomes even more meaningful when you recognize that you have now become part of a movement of God’s people. A people who want to impact their surrounding communities by being ‘connected, living and walking in touch with God’, hearing Him speak, receiving His enabling and power, finding their purpose in life and resting in Him as they accomplish His agenda and will.